Music Educators Association BYLAWS
Adopted October 19, 2023
The name of this organization shall be the MUSIC EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION OF NEW JERSEY, INC.
The objectives of this Association shall be:
Sec. 1 -
To elevate the standards of private music teaching in the state of New Jersey;
Sec. 2 -
To provide a forum for music education activities for teachers and music students;
Sec. 3 -
To provide musical development for teachers, performers and music students through activities such as auditions, competitions, recitals, scholarships, theory tests, lectures, and master classes.
There shall be five (5) classes of membership: Active, Associate, Life, Honorary and Collegiate.
Sec. 1 -
ACTIVE membership shall consist of those engaged in teaching music. All music teachers shall be eligible to join. These members shall be eligible to participate in all Association activities.
Sec. 2 -
ASSOCIATE membership shall consist of those who support the programs of the Association, but do not participate in any teacher-student functions such as auditions, recitals and competitions.
Sec. 3 -
LIFE membership shall be bestowed automatically on Past Presidents and may, by majority vote of the Board of Directors, be given to members who have made outstanding contributions to the organization. Life members are exempt from paying dues.
Sec. 4 -
HONORARYmembership may be conferred on non-members who have made outstanding contributions to the Association or to the Arts. A majority vote of the entire Board of Directors is necessary to elect Honorary members. Honorary members are exempt from paying dues.
Sec. 5 -
COLLEGIATE membership, conferring all the benefits of active membership, shall be offered to undergraduate and graduate college music students at a reduced fee.
Sec. 6 -
TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP may be implemented for cause, other than nonpayment of dues, by a two-thirds vote by ballot of the Board of Directors. The vote for revocation shall occur only after the member complained against has been advised of the complaint so lodged and has been given reasonable opportunity to present information on his or her behalf. Such member, if membership is revoked, may appeal to the Board of Directors for reconsideration of the decision. In no event will a dues refund be given. Revocation of membership for nonpayment of dues within the prescribed time period shall be automatic and not subject to any further procedure.
The officers of this Association shall be: President, Immediate Past President, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary.
Sec. 1 -
- Shall preside at all meetings of the Association, of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee;
- Shall enforce the Bylaws;
- Shall appoint Chairs of all special and standing committees, and may assign Vice Presidents to oversee committee activities;
- Shall have the option, with the approval of the Board of Directors, to appoint not more than three (3) additional members-at-large to the Board of Directors to serve for the duration of that President’s term;
- Shall appoint a Parliamentarian;
- Shall be an ex officio member of all committees and, in case of a tie vote, shall have the prerogative of casting the deciding vote;
- Shall not participate in the activities of the Nominating Committee;
- Shall call special meetings, including electronic meetings, of the Board of Directors or Executive Committee as needed;
- Shall serve on the Finance Committee and be responsible for storing financial data backup files generated by the Treasurer;
- Shall have security access to all online activities;
- Shall, at the end of his/her term of office, deliver into the hands of his/her successor all pertinent materials.
Sec. 2 -
- Shall serve as advisor to the current President;
- Must have served as President for at least two years.
Sec. 3 -
1st and 2nd VICE PRESIDENTS:
- A Vice President shall assume the office of President if that office is vacated for any reason;
- A Vice President shall assume such duties as may be assigned by the President;
- Either Vice President may officiate as presiding officer at the request of the President.
Sec. 4 -
- Shall be bonded by the Association;
- Shall keep, in a set of books and/or financial software belonging to the Association, an accurate and detailed account of all monies received and expended in the following separate bank accounts: General, Annual Piano Auditions, Annual Piano Competition, and Scholarships;
- Shall pay all bills passed by the Board of Directors;
- Shall sign all checks authorized by the Board of Directors;
- Shall deposit in a bank designated by the Board of Directors and in the name of the Association, all monies received;
- Shall present a summarized financial report at every Board of Directors meeting;
- Shall present an end of year report to the Board of Directors;
- Shall serve on the Finance Committee;
- Shall propose an annual budget to the Board of Directors for approval;
- Shall have, along with the President, security access to all online financial records;
- Shall back up all digital financial data semi-annually which shall be stored by the President;
- Shall be responsible for providing all tax related materials to an accountant approved by the Board of Directors;
- Shall, at the end of his/her term of office, deliver into the hands of his/her successor all pertinent materials.
Sec. 5 -
- Shall keep an accurate account of all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors;
- Shall send all members of the Board of Directors, and others designated by the President, a copy of the minutes of the previous Board meeting;
- Shall submit an annual report of approved motions to The Glissando Committee for publication in the September issue;
- Shall give a copy of all minutes to the History Committee;
- Shall, at the end of his/her term of office, deliver into the hands of his/her successor all pertinent materials.
Sec. 6 -
- Shall answer communications to the Association;
- Shall be responsible for all social correspondence of the Association;
- Shall, at the end of his/her term of office, deliver into the hands of his/her successor all pertinent materials.
Sec. 1 -
- Shall consist of the elected officers of the Association, the Parliamentarian, Chairs of all standing committees, and not more than three (3) additional members-at-large appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. Members-at-large shall serve for the duration of that President’s term.
- Shall hold meetings at a time and place designated by the Board of Directors;
- Shall conduct the business of the Association;
- Shall announce at General meetings activities that affect the membership of the Association;
- Shall pass motions by a majority vote providing a quorum of six (6) is present;
- Shall allocate one (1) vote each to any Officer and Co-Officer;
- Shall allocate one (1) vote to any Officer who also serves as a committee Chair;
- Shall allocate one (1) vote to each Chair and each Board member-at-large.
- Shall allocate one (1) vote per committee Co-Chairs.
Sec. 2 -
- Shall consist of officers elected by the Association membership;
- Shall meet, either electronically or in person, at the request of the President or any member of the committee;
- Shall make decisions on urgent matters that may arise between Board Meetings with a quorum of at least fifty (50) percent of the committee;
- Shall function as a think tank or forum before bringing related discussions before the Board of Directors.
Sec. 3 -
- Shall select the members of his/her committee and may designate one of them to serve as his/her alternate on the Board of Directors;
- Shall attend a minimum of two (2) Board meetings annually;
- Shall operate within the budget prescribed by the Board of Directors and must obtain approval from the Board of Directors for any contract that departs from customary or usual expense;
- Shall submit an annual report, including financial data if applicable, to the Board of Directors;
- Shall have access to all materials pertaining to their committee from members of the Association or contractors;
- Shall, at the end of his/her term of office, deliver into the hands of his/her successor all pertinent materials;
- Should not chair more than two (2) committees simultaneously.
Sec. 4 -
VACANCIES on the Executive Committee shall be filled by Presidential appointment and approved by the Board of Directors for any non-expired term.
Sec. 5 -
SPECIAL MEETINGS of the Board of Directors, including electronic meetings, may be called by the President or three (3) other members of the Board of Directors.
Sec. 1 -
GENERAL MEETINGS of the Association, including electronic meetings, shall be held from September through June at times and places designated by the Board of Directors, except when otherwise ordered by the Executive Committee.
Sec. 2 -
SPECIAL MEETINGS of the Association, including electronic meetings, may be called by the President or upon the written request of ten (10) members in good standing.
Sec. 1 -
The annual per capita dues of the Association shall be fixed by the Board of Directors, payable to conform to the fiscal year of the Association, beginning July 1 of each year.
Sec. 2 -
A member in arrears, having been notified in writing, may be dropped from the membership rolls of the Association.
Sec. 3 -
A member so removed may be reinstated upon payment of current dues.
The Standing Committees shall be as follows:
Annual Piano Auditions
Honors Recital
Scherzo Club
Annual Piano Competition
Composers’ Corner
Student Recitals
The Glissando
Sec. 1 -
Committees not herein provided for may be created by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Sec. 2 -
Committees should consist of a Chair and at least one (1) additional member.
Sec. 3 -
Committees must meet at least once a year either electronically or in person.
Sec. 4 -
Committees shall submit pertinent information, including updates, to The Glissando and Website Committees.
Sec. 5 -
Any written materials that might be in the public eye, such as programs, correspondence, flyers, certificates, etc., must be proofread by another committee member.
Sec. 1 -
- Shall be empowered by the Board of Directors to conduct auditions;
- Shall contract in writing for needed services;
- Shall set requirements for the various grades, subject to approval by the Board of Directors;
- Shall publish a graded syllabus;
- Shall coordinate the Young Artist Master Class auditions and programs;
- Shall submit copies of Young Artist Master Class programs to the History Committee;
- Shall submit all monies to the Treasurer, who will keep them in a separate Annual Piano Auditions bank account.
Sec. 2 -
- Shall be empowered by the Board of Directors to conduct competitions;
- Shall contract in writing for needed services;
- Shall publish an annual syllabus;
- Shall submit copies of programs to the History Committee;
- Shall submit all monies to the Treasurer, who will keep them in a separate Annual Piano Competition bank account.
Sec. 3 -
- Shall afford Association member composers and guests a supportive and open forum for sharing ideas and new, original music compositions;
- Shall secure meeting locations.
Sec. 4 -
- Shall be empowered by the Board of Directors to conduct competitions;
- Shall contract in writing for needed services;
- Shall submit copies of programs to the History Committee.
Sec. 5 -
- Shall consist of the President, Treasurer and such other members as the President may deem necessary;
- Shall create an annual budget and present it to the Board of Directors for approval;
- Shall oversee all financial planning.
Sec. 6 -
- Shall receive, manage and safely store archives of the Association's printed materials and other artifacts submitted to the History Committee;
- Shall receive, manage and back up the Association's digital records and keep the backups secure in more than one physical location.
- Shall make the archives and digital files available to the Association's members and other interested persons.
Sec. 7 -
- Shall be empowered by the Board of Directors to conduct auditions and recitals;
- Shall contract in writing for needed services;
- Shall submit copies of programs to the History Committee.
Sec. 8 -
- Shall supervise the ordering and serving of refreshments at General meetings;
- Shall keep attendance records of General meetings and report such records to the Board of Directors;
- Shall welcome members and guests at meetings.
Sec. 9 -
- Shall contract in writing for needed services;
- Shall see that a suitable piano and other equipment and instructions are available as needed;
- Shall oversee room conditions at General and Board meetings, including climate control and lighting.
Sec. 10 -
- Shall receive applications, together with dues for membership;
- Shall maintain records of membership, notify members when dues are payable, and oversee the collection of all dues;
- Shall publish a membership directory for all members;
Sec. 11 -
- Shall have a Chair appointed by the President not later than January 1;
- Shall consist of five (5) members: three (3) from the Board of Directors (including the Chair) and two (2) from the general membership;
- Shall prepare and present to the Board of Directors a slate of officers for the new season;
- Shall submit the slate of officers to The Glissando Committee for publication in the May issue;
- Shall be discharged from its duties once the above obligations have been fulfilled.
Sec. 12 -
- Shall arrange programs for General meetings of the Association;
- Shall plan all details connected with these programs;
- Shall contract in writing for needed services;
- Shall see that a suitable piano and other equipment and instructions are available as needed;
- Shall provide program details to The Glissando and Website Committees;
- Shall submit copies of the Teachers' Master Class programs to the History Committee.
Sec. 13 -
- Shall offer performance and/or listening opportunities for Association members and guests;
- Shall secure meeting locations.
Sec. 14 -
- Shall keep accurate records of scholarship applications and awards;
- Shall publish the requirements for scholarship grants;
- Shall recommend award recipients and amounts to the Board of Directors for approval;
- Shall accept donations of used music to be sold at General meetings;
- Shall send donation acknowledgments according to IRS regulations;
- Shall submit all monies collected from donations and music sales to the Treasurer, who will keep them in a separate Scholarship bank account.
Sec. 15 -
- Shall conduct recitals at which students of members may perform;
- Shall submit copies of programs to the History Committee.
Sec. 16 -
- Shall edit and publish news and photographs of the Association in The Glissando;
- Shall be responsible for the distribution of the newsletter to all members;
- Shall be responsible for securing, billing and keeping accurate records of advertisements;
- Shall submit all issues of The Glissando to the History Committee.
Sec. 17 -
- Shall administer test registrations and awards programs;
- Shall set requirements for the various grades, subject to approval by the Board of Directors;
- Shall publish a graded syllabus;
- Shall maintain and update tests and answer keys;
- Shall designate at least two members to serve as custodians of all materials.
Sec. 18 -
- Shall post pertinent information in a timely manner regarding the Association;
- Shall hire a web administrator with the approval of the Board of Directors;
- Shall keep records of services provided by the web administrator;
- Shall serve as Account Manager to the host company;
- Shall serve as the Administrator of the Association's web presence.
Sec. 1 -
Six (6) members shall constitute a quorum of the Board of Directors.
Sec. 2 -
Twenty (20) members shall constitute a quorum of the Association.
Sec. 1 -
Officers shall be elected for a term of one (1) year. The term of office shall run the duration of the fiscal year. With the exception of the President, there are no limitations on the number of times an Officer may be re-elected. The President, however, may be re-elected after serving a maximum of three (3) consecutive one-year terms only if there has been a minimum of a one (1) year hiatus before being re-elected.
Sec. 2 -
Only Active and Associate members in good standing are permitted to vote or hold office.
Sec. 3 -
Nominations, other than those on the slate prepared by the Nominating Committee, shall be made by petition as follows:
- Petitions must be signed by twenty-five (25) members in good standing;
- Petitions must be received by the President within one (1) month after the slate is announced in The Glissando.
Sec. 4 -
Voting procedures shall be as follows:
- Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present, both electronically and in person, at the June meeting;
- There must be a quorum of twenty (20) members in good standing present at the election meeting;
- If no quorum is present, the slate proposed by the Nominating Committee shall be automatically elected.
- No proxies shall be recognized.
Sec. 1 -
The Parliamentarian shall assist and advise the President in the conducting of meetings according to the Bylaws.
Sec. 2 -
When the Bylaws do not apply, “Robert's Rules of Order” shall govern the deliberations of the Association.
- Reading and approval of Minutes
- Reports of Officers
- Reports of Committees (at the discretion of the President)
- Unfinished business
- New business
- Adjournment
Sec. 1 -
Changes may be proposed by the Board of Directors or by petition of five (5) members in good standing.
Sec. 2 -
Changes, other than grammar and format, must be submitted by a mover and a seconder to the Board of Directors.
Sec. 3 -
The original article in the Bylaws and the proposed changes must be presented by the Board of Directors to all members of the Association at least three (3) weeks prior to the vote, together with notification of the date, time and place of the vote.
Sec. 4 -
Amendments must be approved by a two-thirds vote at a General meeting of the Association providing a quorum of twenty (20) is present.
Sec. 5 -
The Bylaws shall be reviewed every six (6) years.