MEA Presents...Orion Weiss - Debussy Etudes10AM; Zoom only
Student Recital Registration Deadline for February 2 Student RecitalRegister online or download mail-in form from Forms/Downloads.
MEA Professional Connection10AM; Zoom
Membership Dues Deadline to Enter Students in Eric Steiner Composition Competition
Student Recital2PM and/or 3:15PM; Location TBD. Check with one week before the recital date for the exact time.
Scherzo Club10AM; Home of Danette Whelan, Warren
Composer's Corner11AM; Location TBD
Student Recital Registration Deadline for March 2 Student RecitalRegister online or download mail-in form from Forms/Downloads.
MEA Presents...L. Michael Griffel - Brahms: Recapitulation on the Era10AM; Zoom only
Membership Dues Deadline to Enter Students in Annual Piano Auditions and Original Composition Festival
Theory Registration March 1-21
Annual Piano Auditions Registration March 1-31
Annual Piano Competition Registration March 1-April 1Register online from your Member Homepage.
Student Recital2PM and/or 3:15PM; Location TBD. Check with one week before the recital date for the exact time.
Scherzo Club10AM; Home of Ruth Kotik, Wayne
Eric Steiner Original Composition Competition Registration DeadlineRegistration is online only.
MEA Presents...Michael Lewin - Teachers' Master Class10AM; Location TBD
Student Recital Registration Deadline for April 6 Student RecitalRegister online or download mail-in form from Forms/Downloads.
Scherzo Club10AM; Home of Cinder Ledell, Basking Ridge
Annual Piano Competition Registration DeadlineRegister online from your Member Homepage.
The Glissando Submission Deadline for May Issue
Composer's Corner11AM; Location TBD
Student Recital2PM and/or 3:15PM; Location TBD. Check with one week before the recital date for the exact time.
Original Composition Festival Registration DeadlineRegister online from your Member Homepage.
MEA Presents...Gabriela Calderón Cornejo - Uncovering Lost Piano Works by Latin American Women Composers10AM; Location TBD
Student Recital Registration Deadline for May 4 Student RecitalRegister online or download mail-in form from Forms/Downloads.
Original Composition Festival3PM; St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Morristown
Scholarship Application Deadline for Camp and College
Student Recital2PM and/or 3:15PM; Location TBD. Check with one week before the recital date for the exact time.
Annual Piano CompetitionCounty College of Morris, Randolph
Scherzo Club10AM; Steinway Piano Gallery, Paramus
MEA Presents...Katya Melkamini - Development of Musical Intellect in the Private Piano Studio10AM; Location TBD
Annual Piano Competition Winners' Recital3PM; Leschowitz Hall (in Chapin Hall), Montclair State University
Composer's Corner11AM; Location TBD
MEA Presents...Aaron Wunch - Young Artist Master Class10AM; Location TBD