Music Educators Association of New Jersey

Serving teachers and students since 1927

Composers’ Corner

Composers' Corner Logo'

Composers’ Corner provides opportunities for MEA composer members to meet and share new, fresh music with other composers and interested members. There is a wonderful feeling of camaraderie among the participants. Join us for interesting discussions about the art of composing and the treat of listening to brand new music by MEA composers. You’re sure to leave our meetings feeling uplifted in spirit!

Meetings are held at 10:15 AM on the last Thursday of the month from October through May in friendly and comfortable home settings or online. If you would like to attend, please notify the host/hostess a few days before the scheduled date. Check our Calendar Page for the details.

Notes from the Heart represents 39 works by 19 MEA composers, ranging from elementary piano solos to advanced solos and a piano duo.

Notes from the Heart cover'

The Composers’ Corner Committee is grateful for the generous spirit of all the participating composers:

Seymour Bernstein
John Blasdale
Joan Bujacich
Carmela Cecere
Dan Crisci
Walter Giannini
Joseph Haspel
Cinder LeDell
Judy Kessler
Birgit Matzerath
Nancy Modell
Patricio Molina
Tom Parente
Linda Petrocchi
Daniel Rofer
Lori Rothbard
Karen Dann Sundquist
Katsuko Tsuji
Danette Whelan

By purchasing Notes from the Heart, members get a glimpse of what our member composers are creating while supporting the MEA-Mary Jean Nelson Scholarship Fund!

When you purchase Notes from the Heart, it is solely for your use.

With your assistance, students may contact the composers to purchase their own personal copies of the scores.

$35 is the suggested minimum donation.
MEA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

For federal income tax purposes, you can deduct as a charitable contribution your donation amount less the fair market value of Notes from The Heart. We estimate the fair market value of the booklet to be $15.

To unlock the 'Donate Now' button and purchase Notes from the Heart, please click the checkbox to acknowledge the following:

I acknowledge that I agree to use this booklet and the linked audio files ONLY FOR MY PERSONAL USE. I will not distribute the booklet or audio files to any other party, nor violate the composers’ copyright.


Thank you for supporting the MEA-MJN Scholarship Fund!


Composers’ Corner History:
In honor of the MEA-NJ’s 90th Anniversary year, then President Nancy Modell, suggested there be a program featuring music by MEA composers. This event was enthusiastically supported by the Board of Directors. On April 19, 2018, Celebrate Composers!, a concert of original music by MEA composers, was enjoyed by all who attended the April General Meeting. At the conclusion of the concert, the composers discussed the idea to continue to meet and share their music with one another. At first, the Board approved the establishment of Composers’ Corner under the umbrella of the Scherzo Club with bi-annual meetings. There were two meetings a year until the pandemic and the spring meeting was canceled.

Composers' Corner Members'

MEA members featured at Celebrate Composers! were (clockwise) Dan Crisci, Nancy Modell, Katsuko Kamihiro, Danette Whelan, Clarinda Lin, Karen Dann Sundquist, John Blasdale, and Cinder LeDell.

Composers' Corner Program'

Composers’ Corner resumed, online, and became so popular that on April 15, 2021, practically three years after the Celebrate Composers! concert, Composers’ Corner became an official MEA Committee.