The Glissando newsletter is published three times a year as a service to members. The cost of the newsletter is included in the membership fee. Deadlines for ads, articles, announcements or Member News are:
Please use the Contact Us feature on this website and include a phone number. Or send materials directly to: Music Educators Assoc. of NJ, P.O. Box 32, Madison, NJ 07940 to the attention of the following editors.
Editorial changes may be made due to space limitations, grammar or spelling. There is a 100-word limit for Member News, Special Events, New Music and Book Reviews. Items for Sale listings cost $5 per 40 characters for members, $10 for non-members.
Some material submitted for the Glissando may also appear in the 32nd Note e-letter (sent to members only) or on the website.
For replacement Glissando issues, please contact Membership Chair Lisa Gonzalez: